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Ernakulam to Mattancherry

There are two ways to travel from Ernakulam to Mattancherry by public transport : Ferry and Bus.

Mattancherry Ferry Route
Mattancherry Ferry Route

Mattancherry Ferry Route


here are frequent city bus services, about 1 in every 15 minutes or so. The road distance from Ernakulam to Mattancherry is about 12km. The bus heads south of the city, crosses the Willingdon island and heads north in Kochi to Mattancherry. During peak traffic, it can take well over an hour easily.

The second option is to take a ferry from Ernakulam to Mattancherry. This is the shortest route (about 20 minutes). A boat leaves typically every 15-30 minutes.

There are two ferry points at Ernakulam. Boats for Fort Kochi and Mattancherry leaves from the Ernakulam Boat Jetty near Subash Park (at the south end of the Marine Drive at Kochi).

There is a ticket counter at the ferry terminal building. You'll see the ticket queue once enter the ferry building. Go to the left side counter. Ernakulam to Mattancherry ferry ticket cost Rs7. The ferry route is via Fort Cochin and Willingdon Island (Embarkation Ferry).

City Bus in Ernakulam

City Bus in Ernakulam

City Bus in Ernakulam

City Bus in Ernakulam

Everything About Kochi !
Ernakulam to Kochi

You can travel from the Ernakulam area to Kochi part of the city by city and by ferry. Ferry is quick (20minutes) and cheaper (Rs6).

Ernakulam to Fort Kochi Ferry

There are two ferry points (called jetties) in Ernakulam, the Ernakulam Jetty and the High Court Jetty, about 1½km (1 mile) north of Ernakulam Jetty.

Ernakulam Express

Ernakulam Express

Kochi to Alappuzha

Alappuzha (Alleppey) is about 50km (31miles) south of Kochi.